Adulting Really Means Cleaning…

As I was scrubbing my bathroom tub on my hands and knees last week I was thinking about how much cleaning sucks. Listen, I actually enjoy cleaning but why does it have to be so hard? Why do I need a thousand different cleaning products to clean a bath tub and a kitchen sink? I think I actually enjoy cleaning because it’s an excuse to do something while blasting and singing music for a long amount of time. I do NOT enjoy the actual art of cleaning. I enjoy my apartment being clean, though.

AND THEN while thinking about how much cleaning that tub sucked, I thought about how one day, if I ever have a family, the mess I will clean will be much worse, and will happen more often. I was sitting there bitching to myself when that thought popped in my head and I thought “wow.”

Kudos to you parents cleaning after yourself, your pets, and your kids all the time. I thought me, my cat, and dog were bad. I couldn't even imagine, haha!

Anyways, the subject of talking about cleaning came to me in another thought. I have a very real issue with some people’s, (cough cough men’s,) bathrooms.

I went to a house a few weeks ago, and when I tell you I was intoxicated and STILL noticed how nasty the bathroom was, I wish I was joking. Why are upper 20 something year olds living in FILTH. I could have listed 10 cleaning products those men needed right in that moment. I don’t think one of them ever bought Clorox, Lysol, or bleach in their lifetime.

Men, men, men. Listen. If a woman is coming over to your place and you know this, please for the love of god, clean your bathroom. I can’t be the only woman who judges you off the cleanliness of your bathroom. Also, if your shower is nasty, at least shut the curtain.

To wrap this section up, I have a video I saved on snapchat of this bathroom. I won’t expose the bathroom, but I thought the caption was funny.

The caption reads:

I’m sorry, but I will easily survive COVID-19 a second time after being in this bathroom.

COVID-19 Aftermath

Let’s talk about a sad reality I am currently living right now that SUCKS. I had Covid over Halloween going into the beginning of November. I felt like I had a cold. At one point I started chalking it up to potential allergies with the Chicago weather constantly changing. I woke up one morning feeling like I did the hardest workout of my life two days prior, when I didn't.

That’s when I knew I had to go get tested right away. Thankfully I did, because within 45 minutes I got the call that I tested positive for COVID-19.

In order of when they hit me, here were my symptoms:

  1. Headaches

  2. Congestion

  3. Fatigue

  4. Shortness of Breath

  5. Body Aches (hurt to lay on my back in bed)

  6. Loss of Taste

  7. Loss of Smell

… and I still have no sense of smell. I am about 2 & 1/2 months out from having Covid, and still CAN’T SMELL.

Yesterday was a really rough day for me and I had no idea why. I made an awesome breakfast with my favorite iced coffee drink, and when I sat down to eat it, I couldn’t handle the smell of it, tried forcing it down, and literally started gagging. I chalked it up to “bad tofu.”

So, I re-made my breakfast without tofu in it. I had eggs, potatoes, and jalapeños in a wrap alongside my coffee. Delicious, right? No. It smelled horrid, and I couldn’t stop gagging.

At this point, I was so irritated. I was searching for a reason and couldn’t seem to figure it out. I went to drink my coffee and immediately had to pour the whole drink out. The rest of the day I didn’t eat until 10:00pm when I caved and went to McDonalds. Surprisingly, McDonalds went down okay.

Later that night I proceeded to have a very bad anxiety attack that led to tears and extreme nausea. Since becoming unemployed earlier this year, I have had a positive outlook on the whole situation. I keep saying, “one chapter closed, another one opens.” This particular day I couldn’t shake this overwhelming feeling that I was being an idiot. I started to let all of these negative thoughts fill me up and completely take over. Since I don’t experience anxiety often, I panic when I do.

Note to self: McDonald’s will work for now.

Note to self: McDonald’s will work for now.

This morning I looked deeper into these ongoing issues. Couldn’t drink coffee again, and couldn’t eat. I found that this is a normal side effect for people who had Covid, and have lost sense of taste and/or smell for months after. A disgusting smell takes over, making it harder to have any appetite. I am not kidding you when I say I smell formaldehyde every time I go to eat something or just take a deep breath in through my nose.

Did you ever dissect an animal or frog in middle school or high school? That distinct smell is literally what I smell. HORRIFIC! My smell is so distorted right now it is effecting my taste buds. Well, at least I think it is. Also, anxiety and depression is apparently more common for people who lose taste or smell months after Covid.

I am luckily not someone who experiences anxiety often, but I decided to talk about this on my instagram stories, and have gotten a huge amount of engagement from people going through the same thing as me.

If you are currently going through this, I am so sorry! I hope you get better soon.


Let’s Dive Into A Good Music Dump


Don’t You Know That You’re Toxic?